Six Elements of a Successful Club

 Six Elements of a Successful Club

 1.The club members have c

onducted service projects that are meaningful to them.

2.The club has achieved a net growth in membership and involves the new members in meaningful activities quickly.

3.The club communicates effectively with the members and the public.

4.Meetings are held regularly and are meaningful and positive.

5.Club officers participate in zone and district leadership training.

6.The club is in good standing and reports regularly.


Lions Club Of Sylhet City

promotional efforts

Any ideas..

"Allegiance to my national flag, Allegiance to my People's Republic, The symbol of which is this flag. I believe that mankind is one and the same in the eyes of the Creator and that all have equal rights to freedom and justice."

Mission 1.5 Dr Patti Hill's Challenge - Lions Club Of Sylhet City

Good morning My dear friend

Manipulation (Sylhet City Lions Club)

About Lions Club of sylhet city