Any ideas..

 I’m the Administrator of a club in a small community. During the past year we have doubled our membership from 10-20 and are still growing.  🙌  We do great fundraisers and have numerous service projects.  We changed meetings from every week to twice a month in hopes of improving attendance.  First meeting usually a speaker and second is usually more traditional business, etc.  My question is any hints on how to improve consistent attendance. One week we might have all but three— the next meeting we might only have three.

Any ideas of how to promote more consistency?


Lions Club Of Sylhet City

Six Elements of a Successful Club

promotional efforts

"Allegiance to my national flag, Allegiance to my People's Republic, The symbol of which is this flag. I believe that mankind is one and the same in the eyes of the Creator and that all have equal rights to freedom and justice."

Mission 1.5 Dr Patti Hill's Challenge - Lions Club Of Sylhet City

Good morning My dear friend

Manipulation (Sylhet City Lions Club)

About Lions Club of sylhet city