The Red and Green National Flag of Bangladesh... BOSTON USA

 The Red and Green National Flag of Bangladesh was held high at the "International Parade of Nations" at the 105th Lions International Convention, Boston, USA. , Bangladesh have participated in this great event. Love ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฉ


Lions Club Of Sylhet City

Six Elements of a Successful Club

promotional efforts

Any ideas..

"Allegiance to my national flag, Allegiance to my People's Republic, The symbol of which is this flag. I believe that mankind is one and the same in the eyes of the Creator and that all have equal rights to freedom and justice."

Mission 1.5 Dr Patti Hill's Challenge - Lions Club Of Sylhet City

Good morning My dear friend

Manipulation (Sylhet City Lions Club)

About Lions Club of sylhet city