Sylhet City Lions Club Membership Yearly Fee

 To be considered for membership in the esteemed Lions Club, there are a few criteria that need to be fulfilled. The foremost requirement is having a genuine desire to serve others. A key aspect of being a Lion is the steadfast commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of those in need.

Additionally, it is essential to possess a sound and rational mind, as this attribute aids effectively contributing to the club's philanth endeavors. The Lions Club values individuals who bring and thoughtfulness to the table, allowing for organized and compassionate service to prevail.

Upon becoming a proud member of the Lions Club, there is a modest financial commitment required. Members are expected to contribute an annual fee of $50 to the International Lions Club. This contribution plays a vital role in assisting disadvantaged children across various countries the world. Moreover, an additional donation of $50 to the District is essential. This amount aids in providing relief and support during natural disasters such as floods the country.

By willingly participating in this noble cause, Lions Club members demonstrate their dedication to improving the lives of individuals, locally and globally. Each and donation made

contributes to the well-being and betterment of those less fortunate, fostering hope and resilience in the face of adversity.

As a Lions Club member, you will not only have the opportunity to serve others with compassion and selflessness but also be part of a valued community that shares a common mission. Together, we a significant and lasting impact on the lives of countless individuals in need.


Lions Club Of Sylhet City

Six Elements of a Successful Club

promotional efforts

Any ideas..

"Allegiance to my national flag, Allegiance to my People's Republic, The symbol of which is this flag. I believe that mankind is one and the same in the eyes of the Creator and that all have equal rights to freedom and justice."

Mission 1.5 Dr Patti Hill's Challenge - Lions Club Of Sylhet City

Good morning My dear friend

Manipulation (Sylhet City Lions Club)

About Lions Club of sylhet city