I hope your day has been wonderful. Stay with Lions club of sylhet city

I hope your day has been wonderful.  Stay with Lions and dedicate yourself to service.

  1. Do not shake hands with anyone without standing.

  2. In a negotiation, don't make the first offer.

  3. If they trust you with a secret, keep it.

  4. Return your borrowed car with a full tank.

  5. Do things with passion or it is better not to do them

  6. When you shake hands, be firm and make eye contact.

  7. Live the solo travel experience.

  8. Do not turn a mint, for obvious reasons.

  9. Take advice if you want to grow old.

  10. Go to lunch with the new person at the office.

  11. When you write someone angry, finish and read again, then delete it and do it again.

  12. Don't talk about work, politics or religion at the table.

  13. Be just, protect those who are oppressed without abusing.

  14. Write down your goals and then work towards them.

  15. Stand your ground without offending or insulting, be tolerant and respectful of others.

  16. Call and meet your parents, children, relatives and friends, don't waste time waiting for them to do it first.

  17. Never regret anything, learn from everything.

  18. In moments or days of solitude, relax, enjoy and learn.

  19. Respect and loyalty are fundamental to your personality.

  20. Don't lend money to someone you know who won't pay you back.

  21. Believe something.

  22. Make your bed when you get up in the morning.

  23. Singing in the shower.

  24. Take care of a plant or a garden.

  25. Observe the sky whenever you can.

  26. Discover your abilities and exploit them.

   27. Love your job, or quit it.

   28. Ask for help when you need it.

   29. Teach someone a value, especially a child.

   30. Appreciate and thank anyone who offers you a hand.

   31. Be good to your neighbors.

   32. Make someone's day happy.

   33. Compete with yourself.

   34. Treat yourself to something minimal once a year.

   35. Take care of your health.

   36. Always greet with a smile.

   37. Think fast, but speak slowly.

   38. Don't talk with your mouth full.

   39. Shine your shoes and trim your nails.

   40. Don't give opinions on things you don't know.

   41. Do not mistreat any animal.

   42. Raise your voice against injustice.

   43. Never miss a wonderful opportunity to be silent.

   44. Acknowledge someone's efforts.

   45. Be humble above all.

   46. ​​Never forget where you came from.

   47. Travel whenever possible.

   48. Give way.

   49. Dancing in the rain.

   50. Look for your success without giving up.


Lions Club Of Sylhet City

Six Elements of a Successful Club

promotional efforts

Any ideas..

"Allegiance to my national flag, Allegiance to my People's Republic, The symbol of which is this flag. I believe that mankind is one and the same in the eyes of the Creator and that all have equal rights to freedom and justice."

Mission 1.5 Dr Patti Hill's Challenge - Lions Club Of Sylhet City

Good morning My dear friend

Manipulation (Sylhet City Lions Club)

About Lions Club of sylhet city