
Showing posts from March, 2022

Your club is most important!!  ( Sylhet City Liins Club)

  Your club is most important!!  Every Lions Club represents a group of individuals committed to a safer and better world in the future. This goal could be attained in many ways: through building better understanding between diverse cultural and ethnic groups, providing opportunities for leadership to the youth, helping them imbibe values of community service, building a sustainable planet, assisting with health and well being. I have been asked a simple question: we can serve on our own, so why do we need to be a member of a Lions Club? The question may appear baffling initially. But on slightly deeper introspection, my counter-question is: how many people have you seen regularly engaged with some form of community service all alone? The answer is: Not many do that. No doubt, there could be some exceptions; and in that case, exceptions only prove the rule. Groups always help in binding individuals for a cause, they are self inspiring; rotation of leadership eases pressure on all membe